Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Saw the new "Hondamentalism" spot by Wieden, London. And liked it. My thoughts on the ad:

1. It must have been a very brave client indeed to approve this script.

2. So much of the ad is just a "feel" rather than "said" message. The best of audio visual media - movies or advertising is more about creating a feel. A feel which says much more than any overtly stated messages.

3. To me, the visual metaphors in the ad said more about Honda's commitment to engineering than the old-fashioned propositions about the benefits of the engineering.

4. It also underscores my belief that the tyranny of the 30-second duration doesn't allow for creation of any "feel" etc. You barely have time to race through your spiel without pausing for breath. The Honda spot had the luxury of 60 seconds to create pure visual drama without baggage.

It Works.

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