Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Economics of Marriage

"So what drives modern marriage? We believe that the answer lies in a shift from the family as a forum for shared production, to shared consumption...the key today is consumption complementarities . . .Today, it is more important that we share similar values, enjoy similar activities, and find each other intellectually stimulating" - contentious (some may say simplistic), but an interesting idea on the new economics of marriage. The writers go on to say it's no longer about the old adage of "opposites attract" because of which it made sense for the husband and wife to have different interests in different spheres of life.

Check the full piece here (Link via Marginal Revolution).


Mee said...

Marriage can either be about convenience where two parties gain from each other, else it can be for eternal love as some craxies like me believe in:-)

Kumar Subramaniam said...

Or, a mix of the two? As is very often the case . . .Thx Mee